︎ Devani Janssen

Product, UX, and visual designer

I work with product teams from research to visual design in order to deliver and collaborate on the implementation of production ready design mockups, product prototypes, visual/UI design systems, and thoughtfully researched product strategies.

I’m an experienced team lead, designer mentor, and partner to product managers, researchers, software engineers, executives, and founders.

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︎ Devani Janssen

Product, UX, and visual designer

I work with product teams from research to visual design in order to deliver and collaborate on the implementation of production ready design mockups, product prototypes, visual/UI design systems, and thoughtfully researched product strategies.

I’m an experienced team lead, designer mentor, and partner to product managers, researchers, software engineers, executives, and founders.

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01 Ceros Admin

I lead the redesign of the admin for Ceros Studio and Ceros Editor while introducing new user roles and permissions, a content templates library, and other product features.

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02 Ceros Design System

I lead the launch of a design system for the Ceros product ecosystem as the company was redesigning and unifying the look, feel, and functionality across their brand and product suite.

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03 App Orchid

I was contracted by App Orchid to create product prototypes and production ready design mockups for their AI-integrated Tribal Knowledge initiative.

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04 Registrar

I created the first designs for Flatiron School’s internal tool Registrar, a product created to streamline and automate operational work for the business staff. 

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05 Flatiron School

I researched and redesigned the user experience for Flatiron School’s coding bootcamp student applications, admissions, & enrollments processes.

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06 Learn.co

I designed various aspects of Flatiron School’s flagship product Learn.co, a learning platform used by students and instructors in the classroom and internally by Flatiron School staff to run business and school operations. 

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